Manzi DeYoung


Los Angeles, California
My perfect day
I really enjoy lazy time (I mean like, really) so my perfect day would probably be waking up with nothing to do, being able to curl up with a game, blankets and snacks while rain falls outside. I'm a cheap date.
You can describe me as...
Sarcastic, chill and spaced-out
I feel sexiest when...
Modeling! It's why I still do it, even though it's no longer my career. It's still really important to me. I feel at my most confident while modeling, and everyone knows confidence is the sexiest thing of all.
Manzi DeYoung represents the true essence of a Playboy model. She’s a mesmerizing confection of versatility, talent and drive plus possesses a chameleon-like beauty that audiences are instantly drawn to. DeYoung is a serious triple threat; this model is also a cosplayer and costume designer. Her colorful cosplay personas range from mythical to the iconic to everything in between. Manzi has embodied Sonic the Hedgehog, Harley Quinn, Lady Amalthea and Princess Peach. But when she envisions costuming for the screen Manzi allows her creativity to elevate to new heights. If you’ve watched the film Suicide Squad, hotel ad campaigns for American Horror Story, or the TV shows The Flash, Black Lightening or Titans you’ve seen her eye-dazzling work, and she says her foray from cosplaying to costuming was a very natural career bridge.

"Funnily enough, I learned to make costumes through cosplay," DeYoung says. "I was in college for concept art and making cosplays on the side for fun, and started to learn then just how much I really loved making costumes. Once I graduated, I started exploring angles to work what I loved about cosplay into a career, and now seven years later, I'm a full time (and self-taught) costume creator with a lot of films and TV shows under my belt!"
As seriously as she approaches her career, Manzi takes a much more lighthearted approach when it comes to her personal life. Possessing a very dry, witty sense of humor she immediately answered, “Besides ‘check social media’… Stretches! Gotta keep this meat prison in order!,” when quizzed about what she does after waking up first thing in the morning. Manzi’s playful view on life also extends to what she wants out of dating and even a possible mate. Possible suitors be warned: a strong sense of humor ranks very high on Manzi's matchmaking scale. “They have to make me laugh,” she adds about what she looks for in a man. “This feels cliché to say, but unless you can carry on a good bit with me, this won’t go very far. [It’s all] joke based attraction!”

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