Yasmina Jones


Liverpool, England
I really love...
An open road and Bob Dylan
Be warned
I hate self-righteous hypocrites.
Main sidekick
My pitbull, Laurel
Many people talk about how great it would be to live off the grid for awhile. Few actually do it. Yasmina Jones is one of those few. The British-born, Los Angeles-based half-Lebanese model loves existing away from it all so much, she's built several off-the grid homes. (One of her favorite spots to frequent is Joshua Tree). Jones' desire to detach and enthusiasm for the desert aren't her only uncommon qualities. She's also got a rock 'n' roll quality about her that's raw, not contrived (no surprise Mick Jagger once asked her out) and she's unabashedly honest. Her Instagram bio will readily remind you: "Instagram is not real life." 

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