Couple walking
Pablo Heimplatz


With Science Proving the Dangers of Toxic Masculinity, Will 2019 Be a Year of Change?

Vulnerability was an unavoidable buzzword over last year, and it’s carried over into 2019. Some might argue that it’s been discussed ad nauseam to the point of becoming meaningless. While that may be true for those who eye-roll at the mere mention of the word, we cannot deny the needed conversations that are finally happening because of it.

Whether last year was blissful or rough for you, it seems as though we’ve collectively gone from using the artifice of our social feeds to fill voids in our personal lives, to finally acknowledging that we’re human beings with feelings. It seems that we’re finally ready and willing to ditch the traditional “truths” that have been fed to us in our adolescence, opting to find our own way. It seems that gender stereotypes and toxic masculinity (which the American Psychological Association have officially deemed as “harmful”) are finally being challenged.

And you know what that’s called? Growth.

 As with all things, the cycle of presenting the highlight reel to the masses became more cumbersome than entertaining, and thus the return to our authenticity (and therefore, our humanity) began to evolve in our public dialogue. We saw male celebs like Justin Baldoni spark discussion that helped to redefine the meaning of “being a man.” We heard Michelle Obama talk about learning how to express her vulnerability with her husband and former president Barack Obama during a recent interview with Oprah Winfrey. We witnessed Ariana Grande break down in front of millions of people to reveal her personal hurdles and spiritual trials during what was one of the hardest years of her life. We experienced Jada Pinkett Smith be open about her own struggles and lessons on her candid Facebook Watch show Red Table Talk. And the conversations show no sign of slowing down.

Vulnerability is not just “super trendy” right now. It’s super necessary.

It is as though the veil has been lifted, and so many—through catharsis and hard self-work—are reaching a pivotal point. We’re sick of the bullshit. We’ve played the superficial game for so long that the lines between reality and digital fantasy became blurred, and now we’re craving a connection to something authentic again, beginning with ourselves.

And that brings us here to 2019.

After a year of endless talking and explaining and reframing, whether it was on a global scale or during talks with loved ones, it’s time that we put these theories about vulnerability to practice in our own lives. It’s no longer a foreign concept. It’s a very real way of life. In fact, it’s something we’re learning we must align with in order to experience true personal freedom.

Keep in mind that 2019 is a “three year” (for my numerology fans out there). What does this mean? It means that we’re going to be thrust into the creative, expressive and vibrant energy of three, which comes into full force when we learn to let go of control and just surrender.

How do we do that? Great question. I’ll give you one guess.

If you said vulnerability, congratulations. You’re paying attention. By opening ourselves up and allowing ourselves to be seen, by feeling comfortable being completely honest with ourselves, by releasing the fear and worry that comes with revealing ourselves (which is totally normal to feel, but not constructive in the grand scheme of things), then we begin to tap into our highest potential.

Vulnerability is not just “super trendy” right now. It’s super necessary.

Let 2019 be the year that you not only remember who you are, but find the courage, purpose and power in all that makes you, you.

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